
"The good thing about science is that its true whether you belive it or not."

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Day 3 (25th Nov)

 Day 3 was an exciting one as I was finally able to see what Davy and his colleagues do as their research. Davy called on me to follow him and his colleagues to his car (he had a nice car )and he drove us to one of their labs around NIE.

 The lab was full of all sorts of testing equipment, from pressure plates to motion detectors, 3D motion cameras and high speed cameras. Too bad we were only there for awhile. The equipment there was used on athletes by observing how they move and stuff.

They also have some fancy equipment that can detect electrical currents from muscle movement and they said they could even make my arm move by sending in small harmless electrical currents. ( I needed parents consent to participate ).

After some exploring, we returned to the office and soon after, call it a day. Day 3 was very interesting as I was able to see the equipment they use and how they use it which is very important for those who want to pursue in being a researcher!


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